Thursday, November 22, 2012

More about non-invasive moisture testing





it to be noted that, 

1. there is no such a chart to indicate so called acceptable moisture level. 

2. any judgement to moisture level must be based on analysis of the building as a whole

3. most leaky buildings do not show any sign of high moisture readings based on non-invasive inspections

4. according to new version of real estate agreement, invasive moisture testing is banded from pre-purchase inspections

5. in most cases "acceptable" readings obtained to a house are either lower or not significantly higher than readings obtained from reference points (dry spots), but they can be anything from 0 to 100 or any other digit.
6. judge a building based on so called "acceptable moisture level" only can be dangerous and misleading

7. no one other than the inspector himself can interpret his moisture readings based on photos only without particular context 

Monday, September 24, 2012


1. 很多公寓都有大楼的名字,诸如 Spencer on Byron  等等,不妨先google一下,看看是否有相关的新闻和评论,至少如果是很有名的漏水房,一定可以搜出来;

2. Body Corp的相关信息(long term maintenance plan and minutes)根据法律的规定要对买家公开,请中介协助搜集所有相关信息,如果有不明白的可以在找builder检测时问问,虽然这不是检测的项目,但负责任的builder都会帮助看看,而且很可能能提出一些意见或建议;

3. 把其它事情,如贷款,LIM,估价等先搞定,然后再做builder's report,这很适用于公寓,因为根据我们的记录,公寓房查出严重问题的几率并不高,所以搞定其它事情显得更为重要;

4. 如果可能,最好选择在房间里没有人的时候做检测。原因如下:

  • 公寓一般很小,但经常住很多人,再加上检测人员(我们是两个人),中介和买家,房间里经常有喘不过气的感觉,检测时很不舒服
  • 很多住公寓的都是白天睡觉。我们检测时经常有正在睡觉的,很不方便,在人家躺在被窝里的时候在床边晃来晃去,那种感觉挺不舒服的
  • 屋里人太多时,很多关键的角落不好检查,有时候没办法,只能忽略
5. 和其他检测一样,不要在检测过程中问问题,我们不会拒绝回答,但是会受干扰。有问题或者在检测之前问,或者之后问。对于任何我们需要解释给你的问题,我们都会把照片放到随身带的电脑里来演示给客人。我们更喜欢在我们的车里和客人单独谈论有关房子的问题,而不是面对其他人;

6. 最后,公寓和其他房产的最大区别是,我们无法检测房顶和公用区域,因为够不到,或者打不开。我们只能够看到所检测的公寓附近的外墙面,所以对公寓楼的整体分析会缺乏足够根据。有些人会对这一点不满意,但没办法,不是做不到,而是对于购房检测,受时间和费用的限制,不可能把整个楼做系统分析,如果你买的是整个楼,那是另一码事儿。

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Inspector - the definition

According to what described in NZS 4306, a inspector is A person, partnership or company qualified and experienced to undertake property inspections. 

How do we define "qualified"? Does that mean holding some kind of qualification? Tertiary qualification, degree, diploma, certificate? Or maybe belongs to any kind of organisation, e.g. RICS, NZIBS, LBP, Master builders association, Certified builders association? Or passed some kind of examination or testing? Or holding some kind of license?

According to the new AGREEMENT FOR SALE AND PURCHASE OF REAL ESTATE, The report must be prepared in good faith by a suitably-qualified building inspector in accordance with accepted principles and methods.

Again, how can we define "suitably-qualified". Can we say DIYers are not suitably qualified, but master builders are suitably qualified? What about a plumber, can he perform a property inspection? What about a brick layer? If a carpenter is assumed to be a suitably qualified, then why a brick-layer is not?

Will there be any argument if I'm in the inspection industry for 30 years but holding no qualifications? Wise versa, will you challenge my "illegibility" if I got a certificate in carpentry, but without industry experience? Does Suitably-qualified mean experienced? or means experienced and also qualified (holding a relevant qualification)?

So nether NZS 4306 nor the new Agreement gave us a clear picture: Who can do the inspection.

有关房屋检测限制条款 - Terms & Conditions


  1. 这是新西兰房屋检测标准NZS4306中明确规定的,即“照章办事”;
  2. 我们的保险公司要求我们必须针对每一个检测来完成这项手续,不然保险失效。这也是所有承保专业责任险professional indemnity insurance的保险公司无一例外要求其客户必须履行的义务;
  3. 如果有人认为这是否意味着有逃脱责任的嫌疑,这种想法在某种程度上讲是对的。从持续发展的角度讲,我们必须有能力避免承担过多责任,尤其是无关的和不必要的责任。实际上平时每个人在不经意期间都会签署这样或者那样的限制条款:下载和安装软件,购买汽车和财产保险,动手术前,网上购物,银行开户等;
  4. 某种程度上讲,在没有限制条款的约束下检测,就等于“包治百病”。有人会相信“神医”吗?

Saturday, August 18, 2012

详述新西兰房屋检测标准NZS4306 --------part 1



NZS 4306:2005
1.       范围和概述
1.1.    范围
1.1.1. 本标准对住宅房屋目测检测的基本要求以及检测报告的制定做出相应规定。
1.1.2. 售房或购房(目测和非侵犯)检测应该包含以下内容:
a)      严重问题;
b)      特殊特点;
c)       年久老化;
d)      主要维护需求。
1.1.3. 本标准还包括:
a)      检测资质要求;
b)      报告大纲,不同报告包括的具体内容;
c)       各相关标准以及其它有关文件;
d)      寻求特殊检测及报告的建议。
1.2.    适用
a)      独立房屋;
b)      半连体房屋;
c)       连体房屋;
d)      低层公寓Unit以及半幅地房屋;
e)      联排房屋以及成片小区房屋;
f)       高层公寓Apartment.
1.3.    例外
a)      地契Title
b)      房屋设施合格证以及政府年检包括设施;
c)       市政规划以及资源许可事宜;
d)      建筑许可事宜;
e)      长期维护规划;
f)       出租房产出租前检查;
g)      遗产保护责任;
h)      是否符合Body Corp规定,半幅地约束条文以及共享地契合约。
1.4.    协议
检测员和客户应以书面形式认可检测范围。检测员应在检测前向客户提供协议限制条款 - Terms & Conditions



a)      客户姓名;
b)      检测员姓名;
c)       报告完成日期;
d)      报告范围;
e)      任何特殊检测项目;
f)       费用;
g)      限制条款;
h)      职业保险种类。
1.5.    定义(部分)
检测员 Inspector 有资质并有经验的从事房屋检测的个人,伙伴或公司 - A person, partnership or company qualified and experienced to undertake property inspections.

小问题或小毛病 考虑到具体房屋的年代,种类或状况,不需要大规模维修或紧急处理或修复,并且是在正常维护中可以解决的一类问题。

注释 小毛病对于大部分的房屋来说很常见,可能包括小瑕疵,生锈,裂缝,风化,正常老化,表面不平,材料以及表面做工的损坏。

房屋检测 针对某房产根据2.3款所实施的非侵犯性视觉检测。
适当的通路 有安全的,无障碍的通路通往所指区域,并符合表1的规定;或者在没有适合通路情况下,所指区域在检测员的课室范围内。
1 – 适当通路
450 x 400
600 x 600
500 x 400


严重问题或隐患 需要大修或紧急处理和修缮的问题。
调查 独立的具体检查和报告,可能会用到侵犯性或特殊专业测试工具,可能需要相关行业专家的专业知识。
1.6.    简称
1.7.    解释

Sunday, July 15, 2012




主要是地中海式建筑,Mediterranean or Art Deco





1990's - early 2000's


post 2005


Monday, July 2, 2012

您是否是注册builder?Are you a registered builder

最近有关registered builder 以及licensed builder到底有什么区别在某些律师之间产生了纠纷。实在没有看出来这种纠纷有什么必要性。不过现在根据最新的售房合同范本,检测资质好像有了更为明确的规定:suitably qualified。希望不要再往certified builder 和 master builder 身上靠了。
  1. 检测人员需有适合的包括房屋检测在内的建筑行业相关经验
  2. 为相关行业协会会员,或者持有相关学历
  3. 熟练运用房屋检测专用工具

  • 国家没有硬性规定,检测人员必须是:master builder, certified builder, registered builder, qualified builder,但必须有足够相关经验
  • 国家没有相关针对房屋检测的行业协会,没有所谓的从业资格认证,没有所谓的资质

本人持有建筑监理文凭 - National Diploma in Construction Management
本人为房屋署注册二级监理和木匠 - DBH Licensed Building Practitioner Site 2 and Carpentry
1.     Property of moisture - 水的特性 
2.     Forensic techniques - 房产诉讼案件调查技巧
3.     Identification of risk elements - 鉴别房屋风险点
4.     Recording and reporting - 记录和报告
5.     Decay, fungi & mould - 腐烂,霉菌和霉斑
6.     Repair process based on site investigation - 基于现场调查的修复程序
7.     Condition/compliance reporting - 房屋状况及规则符合报告
8.     Asset management, maintenance planning  - 房产管理及维护计划报告



如果您检测的目的是千万不要买到所谓漏水房” - yes 


如果您检测的目的是看看某个所谓漏水房是否可以买 - 对不起,这是您的自愿选择。





Solid plaster, stucco, texture coated fibre cement, EIFS, polystyrene based composite cladding等等
购房检测无法最终确定一个房子是否是“漏水房”- Leaky building.

1.       外墙或屋顶有瑕疵,并导致渗漏
2.       木结构已经形成损毁
3.       部结构的损毁是直接由于外墙或屋顶的瑕疵造成的



甚至“漏水”,在报告中的描述也不仅仅是”leaking”,还可能是”moisture ingress”, “dampness”, “moisture penetration”, “water ingress”等等。


  1. 为什么购房检测报告有时候会不够全面,
  2. 怎样配合检测人员更好和更全面的检测,
  3. 为什么检测人员经验要比工具更重要,
  4. 在什么方面购房检测容易疏忽等等。

Is my report eligible?

It depends on how you define the relevant eligibility of a inspection report.

I have produced over 1000 reports in just 3 years time without any challenge from any banks, solicitors, insurers and of course, my customers.

I did encounter some challenges from a few real estate agents.
Today's challenge from an agent is: I'm not a registered builder as specified in the purchase agreement.

Yes, I'm not a registered "master" builder or "certified" builder, if they are what you mean "registered".
But, I'm registered in the Department of Building & Housing as a Licensed builder.

Before questioning my eligibility, the concept of "registered" is really need to be clarified. Where you think a property inspector is to be registered? Here are some options for you:

  1. Registered Master Builders Federation
  2. Certified Builders Association of New Zealand
  3. New Zealand Institute of Building Surveyors
  4. New Zealand Institute of Building Inspectors
  5. Licensed Building Practitioner Board

A bit regarding NZS4306:2005

When buying a house, probably the biggest asset in your life, it is so common to have a builder’s report organised. But how can you make sure the inspector does a good job for you?

The Country has sorted that out a long time ago and produced a related Standard: NZS 4306:2005. As long as the inspector you employed has carried out the inspection in accordance with this standard, you can be sure, you are likely to receive a good report.

But, sorry, this Standard is not publically available. Even worse, as an inspector, I can not give you a copy of that standard, as the copyright belongs to Standards New Zealand.

So, if you really want to proof if I have carried out my inspection based on this Standard, you have to pay $153.90 to buy this Standard and find out yourself.

Unlike New Zealand, the relevant Australian and American standards are all available for free. 

Monday, June 25, 2012

Butynol membrane maintenance

From Ardex Butynol specification:

Use sugar soap to remove oxidation and restore surface.

Use Roof Acrylic paint with Ardex Seam Primer on non
ponding areas. Wash with Sugar Soap. Beware of using
non Ardex primers as this may effect your Butynol

N.B. If flashing tape is used it MUST NOT be left exposed.
A cover strip of Butynol must be applied over the flashing tape to finish.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

有关湿度检测报告re: moisture inspection report

近期经常有客人询问是否可以做moisture report,或者检测报告中要包含有每个房间的墙壁湿度百分比。因为报告要交给银行,银行的贷款条件中有规定,必须要提供房屋湿度结果,简单说,银行需要知道是否有任何部位的湿度在18%以上。


  1.  购房检测是针对买家所做的非侵犯性视觉检测报告-pre-purchase non-invasive visual inspection
  2. 目前世界上只有侵犯性检测-invasive testing才有可能得出墙体内木结构的湿度。
  3. 购房检测无法做侵犯性检测,原因很简单,房主不可能允许买家对自己的房子进行钻孔破坏。
  4. 所以购房检测无法对木结构得出具体的百分比读数。


Capacitance di-electric meters
Capacitance microwave meters



Resistance meters

目前被很多检测人员广泛采用的是类似以下一种resistance meter



注意最底行:  Master bedroom(主卧) moisture reading 7.5-13.6%, 这到底意味着什么呢?

主卧包括 ceiling, internal walls, exterior walls, floor covering, floor structure, wall lining, architrave, skirting, scotia, window liners, etc. 湿度到底指的是哪里?

如果湿度是外墙- exterior wall, 具体是哪里: top plate, bottom plate, studs, jack studs, trimming studs, lintel?

如果具体是bottom plate,读数是指skirting, plasterboard, framing timber 还是其他?


假设在我写这段说明的时候,世界上出现了一种仪器,可以通过非侵犯性检测得到具体百分比数值,那么这些数值意味着什么?木结构是否腐烂和湿度不是对等关系,尤其是当木结构腐烂到相当程度的时候会收缩,不再具有很强的吸水性和阻水性-clamping,含水量会很低,甚至低于正常的木结构-false negative reading



Improving house inspections –
Property inspections –
Building Condition Survey –
Weathertightness: Guide to the Diagnosis of Leaky Buildings –
Moisture meters –
Moisture Meters- The Key Facts –

See my blog for my opinion regarding thermal imaging (infrared scanning).

Friday, May 18, 2012

Brick veneer and cedar leaky home

Summary of WHR case TRI-2008-100-000010

A house built at 2006 with cedar weatherboard and brick veneer wall cladding is assessed as a leaky home.

Reason for leaking: poor workmanship and drainage failure.

Implication of this case:

If a real estate agent insists that a builder's report is not necessary because the house is brand new and CCC just issued, he/she could be liable for misleading.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


如果您检测的目的是千万不要买到所谓漏水房” - yes


如果您检测的目的是看看某个所谓漏水房是否可以买 - 对不起,这是您的自愿选择。


Tuesday, March 20, 2012




政府检测的是与建筑法规有关的方面--Building Code Comliance;我们的检测是有针对性的:根据不同客户的要求,侧重点可能放在任何方面:工艺,细节,潜质,空间布局等等政府检测所不涉及的方面。





Thursday, February 16, 2012

Moisture reading vs. timber condition - 2

Moisture reading vs. timber condition

Recently we have inspected a house which we already inspected back 3 months ago.

According to the first inspection, the house is a fibre-cement weatherboard clad house which suffering moisture ingress in a number of spots on wall and roof cladding with apparent signs of timber decay and structure damages.

According to the second inspection, the house is recently redecorated. Apart from poor re-decoration workmanship,there are no high moisture readings found.

If judgement is based on non-invasive moisture reading only, the house is well performing at current stage. But the reality is, by comparing two inspections, structure damages caused by past leaks have not been attended to during recent redecoration. The wall and roof cladding are heavily relying on sealant to be temporarily weatherproof.

What we have learnt from this case is:

There is no direct relationship between timber condition and moisture readings. House inspection is not just about moisture testing. In fact without further analysis, moisture reading itself can be extremely misleading

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

How much should a standard inspection cost?

I know a lot of inspection companies charge heaps for a standard inspection, but I don't. I know some people do not use me to do house inspection simply because my charge is too cheap. Good on you if you want to go for one with higher price, just like we normally say: you get what you pay for.

Here is my understanding about how much should a standard inspection be charged:

If traditionally an inspection report is called "builder's report", then the author is a builder. Currently a builder's rate is still $45/h. Let's say a good builder should charge $60/h. A standard inspection should include 1h travel + 2h site visit + 2h desktop work = 5h x $60 = $300 + $50 (insurance + fuel + tool depreciation) = $350 + GST. So $400 incl should be a entry mark. Some companies charge extra for tools used, but if a builder does not charge for him to use a hammer, I can not see why an inspecter is to charge extra for him to use a moisture meter.

If a guy charge only $150 for a verbal report, but charge $700 for a written report, then there is a reason to challenge him: If a builder is not good in computer, that's not the client's fault. In average, a pre-purchase report should not take more than 3 hours to draft.

How much a moisture report should cost?
Nothing really. Without interpretation of the construction, moisture itself means nothing. We have seen some reports with wording like “bedroom 2 moisture - 13%". I would not rely on that report to make any decision. I share the view of William Hursthouse from

"Almost all prepurchase inspectors have one of the scanning type meters nowadays and I have seen many reports where readings from these meters are listed, giving the impression they represent actual moisture contents. When I see that, my heart sinks and any respect for the author evaporates instantly..."

How much we charge? Roughly $250 + GST for a verbal report and $450 + GST for a standard inspection report. We have the opportunity to charge more, but we think business sustainability means more for us.

Why do not I charge for infrared scanning (thermal imaging)?

Let's try to answer some questions first:

  1. Can infrared camera really see what's behind wall lining or cladding?
  2. Can infrared camera really see any moisture behind lining or cladding?
  3. Can infrared camera really see the timber condition behind lining or cladding?
  4. Can infrared camera really tell if something is built wrong?
  5. Can infrared camera really tell if building workmanship is good or not?
  6. Can infrared camera really tell if something is built in accordance with building standards?
  7. Can infrared camera really know if any potential risks when something currently weathertight?
  8. Can infrared camera really know if something currently dry but was not weathertight in the past?
  9. Can infrared camera really know the source of moisture if it does detect it?

If the answer for all of the above questions is NO, why we need charge for that?

Think about that question from other point of views?

When you ask me to do a house inspection, do you really just what to know a simple answer: Leak or not? See if you want to know something listed below:

  1. Did it leaked in the past?
  2. Will it leak in the future?
  3. Anything built wrong?
  4. What are the maintenance costs to ensure weathertightness?
  5. If it is leaking, are there any major structure damages?
  6. If any major damages, how that can be fixed?
  7. If the leak issues can be fixed, how much will that cost?

If nothing from above listed questions can be answered by using infrared camera, then why I need to charge for that?

From 495 house we inspected in the year 2011, only 10%  or less of them can be categorised as leaky houses. What did we do for other 90% of inspected house? We did far more than just moisture testing. Only fraction of major issues found during inspection is moisture related. I like the traditional name in our Country to describe house inspection - builder's report: I'm a builder first. I need to understand building before putting up tools.

Don't worry. I got all sort of tools, include infrared camera, which is always in my pocket. We just do not charge for that.

10 reasons why some buyers do not need a builder's report:

  1. Already spent half million buying a house, haven't got extra $400 for a house inspection.
  2. All builders are cowboys who used to build leaky houses. I rather trust myself.
  3. My mate is a builder.
  4. They charge for the report, but do not guarantee anything.
  5. I already got a report from the Owner.
  6. If I ask inspections, I will never be able to buy a house, as builders always pick up issues and everything is a shit from their point of view.
  7. I'm buying a new house with CCC, so why need a report?
  8. The agent said it is not leaking, so I just buy it.
  9. I got infrared report, the house looks dry, so why need a builder?
  10. There are multiple offers, no time for a builders report.