Leaking cladding materials are commonly used to describe some monolithic type of cladding materials, such as texture coated fibre cement, EIFS, solid plaster and etc.
We receive phone calls almost everyday asking questions such like: We interested in a house, but got HardieTex cladding, can I buy it? The house is chilly bin house, will it leak?
If leaky buildings are defined based on types of wall cladding only, then we can simply put a label on each house "leaker" or "non-leaker". But nothing that easy. Contributors causing leaky building syndrome are many: Design, workmanship, location, framing treatment, maintenance and so on. I would categorize cladding material as part of design consideration rather than a separate driven factor causing leaky building syndrome. Every single type of wall cladding has its pros and cons. As long as material characteristics are fully taken into consideration during design stage, even paper can be fully weathertight.
While doing wall cladding inspection, first thing we do is to identify the type of wall cladding used. Then we do not make our conclusion about leaker or non-leaker straight after identifying the cladding type. We need to carry out detailed examination about design and construction details based on the type of cladding and other factors.
There are problematic building materials, but non of them can be categorized as Leaking material. In fact any cladding material, while wrongly used, can be problematic.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
对批灰房的检测新趋势 Latest Trend in Inspecting Monolithic Houses
- 很多人被动检测,即律师或者银行或者保险公司要求,而非买家要求;
- 买家对批灰房的状况大致已经认可,只要银行同意贷款就买;
- 买家中很多是业内人士,对这类房子的理解已经到一定的深度;
- 批灰房的整体状况良好,几乎没有任何一个批灰房有明显的漏水迹象;
- 买家对检测人员的要求上升到新的高度,即不是简单的使用仪器测湿和罗列湿度指数,而是需要对设计,施工质量,维护历史,当前表现,将来预见,维护方法,维护费用,换外墙设计,换外墙费用以及换外墙可行性等进行系统分析;
- 银行对批灰房的放贷不再是一刀切,而是具体情况具体分析,对检测报告的审查不再是只看指数,而是看全面分析;
- 中介在卖房过程中只是简单提供手头信息,而不做进一步评论;
- 询问红外线检测的比列逐渐下降,甚至已经有部分客人被告知红外线检测报告不可信;
- 询问湿度报告客人的比列逐渐下降。大部分客人变得相对理智,要求在检测的过程中要包含对湿度的评价;
- 售价完全不反映房屋实际情况,事实上有些很好的房子被中介或者房东当作漏水屋来卖。
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
- 对新西兰的房产状况不甚了解,按照对国内房产的审核方式来筛选这里的房产;
- 买房前缺乏独立的第三方的把关。在合同无条件之前不听取律师的建议,合同变成无条件后才交送到律师手里,已经没有回旋余地;
- 由于大部分海外买家是现金买家,也就自然得不到银行对房产的审核。有很多新西兰本地的人也会不经意买漏水房或问题房,但经常是迫于银行要求做房屋检测,才发现房产有严重问题,也算是幸运。
- 没有有效的付款追讨机制。如果买家做完检测后不付款,检测人员基本没有有效办法来追帐;
- 大部分海外买家也不愿意在没有看到检测结果之前和在没有确定检测服务是否满意之前做预付;
- 一部分海外买家会自然产生侥幸心理,觉得距离感很安全,没有付款的紧迫感;
- 国内的三角债,托帐等心态很普遍,很自然的被应用到这一服务当中;
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