Tuesday, February 19, 2013

What do You need to do to have a good inspection

Before inspection

Go through terms and conditions of a standard inspection (pre-purchase, pre-sale & maintenance inspections). Inspection will never look right if your expectation is too high. Understanding what we can not do is more important than only knowing what can we do.

Workout the differences between different inspections:

  • Standard building inspection, 
  • Invasive building defects investigations,
  • Specialist inspections, including plumbing, electrical, drainage, engineering, geotechnical and etc
  • Weathertightness investigations
  • Weathertgihtness assessment inspection
  • Moisture testing
  • Thermal imaging
  • Timber decay diagnoses

You will be able to find the suitable inspector only when you know how different they are. If you have employed the wrong type of inspector, then you will unlikely get the result you really wanted, if not resulted with a disaster.

Also see my other post regarding this topic.

During inspection

Do not follow me and ask me questions when I'm in the middle of inspection. I can be easily disturbed and lose my focus.

Do present during inspection and ask me as much questions as possible onsite, rather than on the phone.

Having your whole family talking to me may not be a good idea. You are likely equipped with a smart phone. Record when I presenting on site.

Also see my other post regarding this topic.

After inspection

If more questions to be asked post an inspection, try email us with the questions rather than calling me when I'm standing on my ladder in the middle of an inspection. You may think I know everything anytime for a house I've inspected, but I'm not. I often remember nothing, unless if I get any chance to go though the report over again.

Also see my other post regarding this topic.

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